Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Last Drop

Dry wind whistles. It whistles due to friction it creates as it is devoid of any moisture. The raindrop fells swiftly. It is the last drop of water on the earth. It comes out from a minute cloud that probably has only one drop.

Humans across the globe are struggling - dying. There is no water left. Sun scorches.

With all their might, a few people are digging the old wells and the new wells. Though statistics claims water has been exhausted long ago, but they dig because they see the water - the mirage. The hallucination makes them happy. They are unaware. They are dying of thirst and they don't know that.

A month earlier people killed each other for water. Many of the families managed to save water bottles in lockers. Now family members fight among themselves.

3 to 4 days without water - enough to turn a person mad. People see sea around them. They have left houses. The AC works. It runs on solar power. It is cold inside and hot outside. For water, they are out on the streets. Under the bitter sun - people are wearing clothes and not wearing clothes. Those who are naked, are not burning the skin under the sun, they are swimming in the cold sea.

Some people have cut there body parts to drink their own blood.

There are no trees. The last leaf has been stolen from the tree museum an year ago. Animals too are non-existent. Only insects survive. Many new breads have taken birth on the dead humans.

The last drop is quivering. Who will have it? Where it will end up? Below, there are mad people all around. A few men, women and children have their tongue out to taste the raining water. Only one man in senses sees the trembling drop - the last drop.

Suddenly, wind gushed and ate it.

The little drop disintegrates in the dry wind. For a moment, it accepts the end, and henceforth trembles at the thought of being responsible for the end of the world. But, next moment, it recollects - 'only the last drop has the ability to save the earth. The mighty force of wind has broken it into many a small drops. The heart of drop fights with the mighty force. It fights and fights and collects all the minute drops, units them, becomes a round shape shining drop.

The drop fights till it leaves the clutches of wind.

It soars high in the sky, then into the space. The drop has never been out of earth but as if knows the path to take. It lands on mars. The last drop unites with many more drops. It forms a group and soars high again and collects more water drops from milky way and unknown planets. Then, the last drop pushes each drop to move in the direction of the earth.

A cloud is formed when the group of drops enters the earth's ecosystem. On a bright sunny day a big cloud envelops the earth and it rains.

People are unable to differentiate the real cloud and the imaginary cloud. They continue to enjoy the rain.

The last drop doesn't fell. It goes back and bring clouds continuously till all people are drenched. Moreover, it waits to fell on that man who had seen it quiver.

The little drop finds that man. He is dancing, rejoicing but still thirsty and waiting for that drop to reach out for him. People who have regained the senses are helping him, forcing him to drink and eat.

When he comes back to senses, the little drop fells on his head.

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